Current Event: Woman stoned to death in Afghanistan over accusation of adultery

My current event is over a stoning that took place in Afghanistan because a women committed adultery. She was only 19 years old and her name was Rokhshana. She was forced to be with another man named Seema Joyenda. They were caught only two days after the got married. The Taliban forces ordered her to be stoned to death but her husband was only lashed. This video has got much attention from social media. This event really does affect the world because it shows the rest of us how unfairly women are treated and how they get very severe punishments such as death while men only get minor punishments. This really does affect me although it is on the whole other side of the world because it could eventually occur in our country and I could not imagine my mother getting stoned or any women in my family and see them die. Their punishments are very brutal and unfair in Afghanistan.