Donald Trump is using twitter to basically fight back on Rand Paul for the 2016 election for president. Trump tweeted Tuesday morning, “Prediction: Paul has been driven out of the race by my statements about him, he will announce soon.” Then shortly after he tweets again saying, “I hope when Rand Paul gets out of the race-he is at 1%-his supporters come to me. I will do a much better job for them.” That following Monday Paul called Trump a “clown” on CNN’s New Day. Trump continues to lead in the polls but his popularity has dropped since the CNN debate. Trump stands with 25% and Paul stands at only 2% of the general electorate. This event greatly impacts the world and especially the United States because this election will definitely change the U.S. for better or for worse. This event also effects me and my fellow classmates because we will finish high school and go into the real world with whoever is chosen to be the head of our country.
Donald Trump tweets prediction Rand Paul will drop out of 2016 race