Politifact checked 77 of Donald Trumps statements he made last year in 2015 and found three quarters of them to be very wrong. This earns Trump the Lie of the Year award from the non-partisan fact checking organization. All Trump seems to do is lie about everything he says to get him votes. Trump even accuses others of lying to take the attention off of him. He even went as far back as the 9/11 attack on America and said that before the attacks the highjackers sent their wives back home to Saudi Arabia and they knew exactly what was happening. Although it sounds true, it is complete fiction. Research has been proven that the highjackers were almost all unmarried and none brought female companions to the United States. This is just one of the many lies he is telling America. I believe that because of this he should not be able to hold the office as president of our country. Our nation needs to be built back up, not tore down as it already is. This effects me and the whole country because we need a good president. One that we can trust. One that does not lie and hide the truth. One that will build our nation back up to what it was long ago.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
Current Event: Ted Cruz Running for President
Our constitution clearly states that you can’t just live in the United States to hold the office of presidency but you must also be a natural born citizen. Ted Cruz is one of the cantidates running for president of the 2016 election, yet he was not born in the United States. He was born in Calgary Canada. So the question is, should we let him? I strongly believe that we as a nation should abide by what the constitution says. If we let a non-natural born citizen be our president, then that is basically saying the constitution is no longer of meaning to us. This will effect me not so much now but in 4 years I will have the opprotunity to vote for the leaders of our country.
Current Event: OPINION Obama’s Proposal to Gun Control
After 3 years ago when the shooting of 20 kids and 6 adults at a school Obama tried to make stricter gun laws and is now yet again starting to focus on the removal of guns from citizens. His big speech tuesday made a huge impact on the voting for this to take action. As of right now, 48% of the population favors his idea of the removal of guns, 51% opposes the idea of citizens not being able to have guns and 1% took neither side. I strongly dissagree with his thoughts and what he is trying to do to our country. Taking away our guns is taking over one of our free rights that has been in the Bill of Rights ever since this country was born. I can see his argument and how there is a lot of shootings but even if we take away guns criminals will do everything they can to get their hands on them and they will. If Obama takes away our guns it gives him way more power than the president should have. I feel that this will greatly impact our world because we will have nothing to defend ourselves with and it is a free right that is being taken away from us. This greatly impacts me and my community in east texas because there will be complete outrage if guns are taken away because it’s a way of our life and something we like to do such as go hunting.